​​Stay as part of the pod in a waterfront home


 Price  $4,995 per person*

 $850 non-refundable deposit                                                                                             Or

  Payment plans available upon request

 ​​Attend all 5 days of the retreat, find your own accommodations


 Price  $2,995 per person*

 $750 non-refundable deposit                                                                                         Or​​​​

  Payment plans available upon request

* All payments are non-refundable.

 What does it mean to be an Apex Predator? ​Orcas are at the apex or top of the food chain. They are also the largest members of the dolphin family  with very complex social structures and language. Orcas are mirrors for humans to learn from as we as a species are the apex predators on land.  There is  much we can learn from them as they live in Perfect Balance with their environment as we humans need to do.  

 The Puget Sound Orcas have been declared an Endangered Species as they face dwindling food supplies, harmful toxins and sound pollution in their  environment. This is due to human activities that have thrown off the natural state of balance.  It is up to us as part of our Human-Orca partnership to  step up and model living in Abundance to restore the natural perfect balance for the Orcas and all life on Earth. At this critical time the Orcas, as our co-  apex partners on this planet are in need of our support.  

What's included:     
 6 nights and 7 days accommodations  at a beautiful waterfront private home.

● Three 4 hour boat trips and one 6-8 hour boat trips with the Orcas.

● One 6 hour kayak trip.
 Guided meditations, wisdom teachings, activities  communications from the orcas and group orca energy healings.

​● Breakfast food available at the house.

​​●Snacks on boat trips.
● Lunch fixings at the house, lunch provided on the full day boat and kayak days.

● Dinners catered at the house.

​● ​● $100 donation per person to the Center for Whale Research.

● Expert Naturalist guide and retreat leader,  Anne  Gordon 
 Visit to Lime Kiln Park, aka, Whale Watch Park for a Sunset ceremony.

What's not included:
● Travel to Friday Harbor, San Juan Island, Washington state, USA

● Souvenirs and gifts
Tips or Gratuity for boat crew and guides. 

Confirm your space now with a non-refundable deposit  or pay in full. 

For more information about this retreat.

Anne Gordon ​grew up in the Pacific NW and boating with her family and observing the orcas.  They are her first cetacean love!  She feels they have been guiding her since childhood, like her spiritual big brother.  

Anne loves to share her passion and connection with the whales with you. She is a certified Dolphin Energy Healer and has a gift for leading powerful guided meditations to help you connect on a deep level with the whales. She is a trained biologist and keen observer of Animal Behavior. You can trust Anne to create a sacred safe space for you by respecting your needs and making you feel at ease and relaxed while enjoying this powerful retreat of a lifetime.

It is always a good idea to purchase travel insurance for your trip in case you need to cancel your trip or tour for any reason.  We recommend World Nomads for all your travel insurance needs.​

​We love World Nomads because they are dedicated to promoting responsible travel and have a give back program to support charities around the world. 

Whale and Dolphin Wisdom Retreats

 Spirit of the Orca Retreat

on San Juan Island, WA,  September 7-13, 2025   

with Anne Gordon

Does the Spirit of the Orca call to the depths of your soul? Open a deep spiritual connection with the Puget Sound Orca whales. Orcas are the Apex Predators of the Seas. Open your heart, mind and soul to receive messages directly from the orcas. Spend time each day on the water in the presence of orcas, as well as dolphins, seals, sea lions and eagles.  Learn orca wisdom that you can apply to your life to live more in harmony and perfect balance. Receive Orca healing energy channeled for you. Meet new friends, like-minded orca lovers like yourself. Spend time in the spectacular San Juan Islands in a beautiful waterfront home surrounded and immersed in Orca presence. 

September 7-13, 2025

© James Mead Maya

​Calling all those who are committed to creating a healthy, respectful and harmonious planet Earth for all beings to live. Put your healing and natural gifts to work. Join together with the Orcas to heal the waters of the world for a healthier home for the ocean and all marine life. This retreat is for anyone who feels called to contribute to the healing of the waters.

Help us to Heal the Waters of the Salish Sea, the home of the Resident Orca whales.  This retreat is not just about receiving healing, wisdom and connecting with the magical orcas.  It is also about sending healing to the orcas and their ocean environment. As Apex predators, Orcas keep the populations of the oceans healthy and vibrant.  We will be applying the techniques we learn from the Orcas to support them in keeping their environment clean and pure.                                                                                                                                                                                       Read more

 Deep Dive into Orca Wisdom.   On Monday we will take a 6 hour kayak tour to possibly be with the orcas to meet them at their level as well as meet other marine wildlife such as harbor seals and sea lions.  The kayak tour is not as strenuous as it sounds!  You can be matched with a stronger paddler if you are not feeling comfortable about your kayak skills and we will stop for lunch at one of the beaches along the way.

We will also visit Lime Kiln Park, aka, Whale Watch Park, where the orcas often pass close to shore for a sunset ceremony.  No, we won't actually be diving in the cold water with the orcas, but we will be diving deep into connection with the spirit of the orcas.

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 We will enjoy 5 boat trips  to be with the orcas with Maya's Legacy Whale Watching company.  On three  days we will take a 4 hour excursion and on Saturday we get to spend a full 6-8 hours on the water to completely immerse ourselves with the Orcas and their environment.

We will stay together as a pod in a beautiful waterfront private home on San Juan Island.  The house has a waterfront view and even an indoor swimming pool!  Dinners will be catered and served family style.  There is plenty of room for pod play and alone integration time.