#95  The Year of Celebration with the Dolphins

  "Celebrate is what we love to do best.  You have all been working so hard to   get ahead in life.  This last year, especially has been a tough one for so many.   This next year, 2018, will be the year of Celebration!   You may not feel like you   have much to celebrate.  Your immediate situation may not look hopeful. But,   there is always something to celebrate, always.



#88  Paying Respect with the Blue Whales

  "Our size commands respect, being the largest animals to have ever lived on Earth, we are even larger than the dinosaurs, yet we have been hunted to the brink of extinction.  There are still parts of the ocean where we are in constant danger of being struck by ships.  Respect from others cannot be demanded or expected.  You can’t even ask for it with a guarantee it will be given.  You can never control others to give you respect.”                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Read More...

 #25) Hearing the Song of the Ocean with the Vaquitas

"We work with music-the music of Mother Earth and the Ocean. We keep the  music flowing and transmit it to the air for humans to pick up and be  inspired by. There is always a song in the ocean. It is one reason humans feel  such peace at the ocean, looking at it or hearing sounds of the ocean. Most  cannot perceive the song itself but all benefit from its effects. Many can even  feel it by looking at a picture or painting of the ocean. This music is a dance  with sound and light."



#71) Surf through the Fear and Chaos with the Dolphins   


 "Don't get caught swimming in the depths of murky emotions.  Rise above,  by choosing not to let the fear and chaos of others affect you.  Now, when it  seems like the fear and anger of others has reached an all time high, it is   most important for you to stand strong in your beliefs and keep holding your vision for a world filled with love, joy and respect."                                                                                                                                                                                          


#100  Celebrate your Connection with Dolphins and Whales

  "Celebrate your connection with us.  We honor and celebrate you and your   love, devotion and curiosity for us.  We all, every species of dolphins and   whales, including those you don’t even know exist are gathering to celebrate   you.”



#98  Why Dolphins? with Anne

  "As a kid, I grew up in Olympia, Washington, right on the shore of Puget   Sound.  I spent a lot of time playing on the beach, exploring, rowing a dinghy   and spending weekends and every summer vacation on my father's boat in the   San Juan Islands.  I was lucky, I grew up watching Orca whales!  To me, the   Orcas felt like big brothers, they were always around, and I felt safe and   comforted every time I saw them..."



#75 Just Be like the Dolphins


 "Just Be.  You humans are always doing. You rush around doing something all the time.  Even when you sit down you rarely take time to just Be.  You fill every second of your waking hours doing something, and you wonder why your life is filled with challenges."                                                                                                                                                                     


 #19) Going with the Flow of Life with the Jellyfish

 The jellyfish is not a strong swimmer and is at the mercy of the currents of  the sea, yet everything he needs to survive is brought to him.  "Don't try so  hard to control life. Relax, trust and everything you need will be brought to  you.  Trust where the flow of life is taking you.”



#63) Surf through Challenges with the Dolphins      


 "Surf through the challenges. When presented with a problem you don't need  to do anything.  You humans tend to react first, then deal with the aftermath.  What if you stop to breathe, observe the situation and let yourself go with the  flow.  Allow yourself to get swept up in the energy of the challenge and be  carried to the middle, which is the calmest place, the eye of the storm."                                                                                                 


#82 Staying Grounded with the Gray Whales

  "You humans are so easily distracted, even more so these days with technology and your busy lives.  No wonder you feel stressed and can easily fall into sadness and fear.  The answer is very simple.  Take time to ground yourself.”


 #43) The Attitude of Gratitude with the Cetaceans

  "Gratitude is the highest possible state of Being on Earth.  For in the  presence of Gratitude; fear, anger and sadness cannot exist."



#93  Giving Back to Yourself with the Whales and Dolphins

  "You have given so much of yourself by caring, nurturing and supporting others.  Now it is time to love, care, nurture and support yourself.   You cannot care and support others if you, yourself are depleted.  So many of you, who are drawn to us, are such loving and generous people.  However, you are rarely as loving and generous to yourself.”



 #32) Discovering the Magic that Exists All Around Us

 I first discovered this portal several years ago when a friend spotted what  appeared to be a Hawaiian monk seal on the rocks in the area. The odd thing  is there are no seals or sea lions in Panama, much less Hawaiian monk seals.  When I went to try to find the seal the next day, it was low tide and I was  drawn into the natural opening that exists between two parts of the island,  where at high tide it fills with water, enough to drive a boat through it, but at  low tide, it appears as a flat road running to the gap in the island. When I was  in the center of this opening, I felt like meditating, and as I did so I was  shown that it was an active portal to Lemuria!



#86  Take Action Now with the Whales

 "What are you waiting for?  Do you think we whales lay around waiting for food  to come to us?  No, we take action, sometimes even migrating thousands of miles from our birthing/breeding grounds to where we can find plenty of food.”                                                                                                                                                              



 #17) Holding the vision of all that is good with the Beluga Whales

 “We are funny and silly.  We represent hope and keeping things light-     hearted.  We live in what many see as a barren wasteland.  We not only live   well here, but we thrive and we have fun doing so.  There is no need to be serious and face life’s challenges solemnly.  Have fun and play with everything that life may throw at you.”



 #5) Learning to Be Whale with the Humpback Whales


 Everyone loves dolphins. How can you not?  It is virtually impossible not to  smile when you see a dolphin in person, or even in a video or film.  They are  known as the angels of the sea, and indeed, they are the bridge to connect  humans with nature as well as their spiritual self.  The dolphins help us to  feel joy no matter what is happening around us and give us the courage to  look at ourselves deeply faults and all.


#90  Creating Solution Energy with the Commerson's Dolphins

  "The world appears black and white, as we do, but look under the skin, the outer shell and we are all the same.  Every single one of us.  You all accept the saying 'Never judge a book by it’s cover.' But, every single one of you judges, consciously or unconsciously, others by your first impression, often at first sight.”                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Read More...

#76 Spreading Love Around the World with the Baiji Dolphins


 "We are a very happy dolphin.  We loved life. We loved everything about life.  There is nothing we did not love.  We even loved death.  Do not be sad for us. 
 Yes, we are extinct, gone from your planet in the physical, but we are still   strongly connected to the Earth."


#84 Facing your Fears with the  Orca Whales

  "What are you most afraid of?  What stops you from moving forward?  What stops you from achieving your goals and dreams?   The answers to these questions is the secret to your happiness.  It is really very simple. You all have the answer already.  Why are you so afraid to admit it?  Even to yourself."  


 #31) Fulfilling your Purpose with the Shrimp and Friends

 “No matter how small or insignificant you may feel. We all have an important  function or purpose on this planet.  I help keep the ocean bottoms clean and healthy for all life.  If I did not exist, the ocean floors would be filthy and unhealthy and small fish would not exist.  With no small fish, there are no big fish, and so on.  You too, have an important purpose here on earth.  Do not forget it.  Do not let daily life interfere with this purpose or distract you from fulfilling your purpose.”



#73) Safely Releasing Emotions with the Whales


 "Don't be afraid to open your heart.  We understand there may be unpleasant  feelings locked inside you that you would rather not feel.  By keeping your  heart closed, you only give these feelings power over you.  By trying to avoid  the uncomfortable feelings you actually are letting them control your life as  you spend so much energy avoiding them."                                                                                                                                                                                      


#64) Releasing Fear with the Sharks      


 "We sharks are sensitive beings.  When you fear us, you hold the image of us  attacking you. We prefer not to attack humans, but your fear sends us an  image of us biting you which appears to us as an invitation and we respond  accordingly."                                                                                                


#74 Entering into True Partnership with the Crystalline Whales


 "We are the Crystalline Whales and Dolphins.  We are waiting to be born.  We are waiting for you.  You hold the key to our arrival on Earth.  Keep     doing  your inner work and advancing along your spiritual path.  As you   spend more and more time living your passion and purpose the sooner we will be born in your world."                                                                                                                                                                                


 #58) Living in a Human Pod with the Emberá Tribe


  The Emberá live in true Unity/Community, where family is the highest  priority and then comes the community.  Work is last on the list, and is only  done when necessary.  It never is your reason for being.  The Emberá live in  small villages, around 100 people, deep in the rain forests of Panama.                                                                                                   


#85 Receiving Ancient Wisdom from the Humpback Whales

"We are the Wisdom Keepers of the World.  We have the honor of holding the Akashic records for the Earth.   When we sing we are actually singing the Akashic records so that each generation will be embedded with this wisdom from the moment they are conceived.  That is why so many humans are so moved by hearing our song. You are listening to Universal Wisdom as song.”  


 #35) Raise your Frequency with the Song of the Humpbacks

 "Why do we sing?  Some say we are working with the ley or grid lines of the  Earth and that is true. We usually sing in a vertical position with our head  down pointed at the bottom.  We are focusing our song into the ley lines.  We  send our song into these lines to recognize, honor them, to show our  gratitude and to help energize these lines.  You should also acknowledge and  sing your song to the Earth, for by doing so the Earth will hear you and learn  how to support, feed and protect you better.  You have become very  disconnected from the Earth."



 #11) Dive Deep into Connection with the Gray Whales

 "We invite you to dive deeper into connection with us than you ever have  before.  By diving deep into self-forgiveness you will open your heart as never  before.  You will enter the world of trust.  Not only trusting others but  completely trusting yourself."


 #13) The Importance of Connection with the Rough-toothed  Dolphins

 "We Rough-tooths (not a great name for us) are much more of a pod unit  than other species.  We rarely break up into subgroups like other types of  dolphins.  Our pods always stay together in large, extended family and  friends groups.  We may mix with other pods, especially for mating, but  almost never divide the pod unit."


#83 Keeping the Balance with the Transient Orca Whales

  "We are not bad or evil.  Someone must keep the seal, sea lion and dolphin populations down to a harmonic level.  We are the balance keepers. We eat the predators, in other words we are the Apex of the Apex predators.”


 #4) Living in Complete Transparency with the Dolphins


 Everyone loves dolphins. How can you not?  It is virtually impossible not to  smile when you see a dolphin in person, or even in a video or film.  They are  known as the angels of the sea, and indeed, they are the bridge to connect  humans with nature as well as their spiritual self.  The dolphins help us to  feel joy no matter what is happening around us and give us the courage to  look at ourselves deeply faults and all.


 #60) Resurrection with the Right Whales      


 "The Right whales represent Resurrection.  We were valued by the whalers as  the 'right whale' to kill, but there is another reason we are known as the Right  whales.  We are the right whales to follow. We represent resurrection,  rejuvenation, re-creation and resilience. Even though the whalers considered  us the easiest whale to kill and did their best to kill us all, we are still here.  And we will always be here."                                                                                                   


#77 We need your help! Triumph over Fear with the Resident Orcas


 "This is your wake up call. If you do not change very soon fear will win the battle and take over the world.  The time to take action is now.  What does action look like?  It does not look like lowering your vibration to resort to fighting, violence or aggression.  It does not look like angry or hateful words or criticism.  Right action looks exactly like love, compassion and understanding."                                                                                                                                                               


 #12) Merging Light and Dark with the Commerson's Dolphins

 "We are masters of the Light. We know how to mask ourselves and travel in  the dark energies, yet our true light, the white, always shines through.  Our  black allows us to hide and travel among the dark forces, but our true inner  light touches the hearts and souls of the dark masters to help them shift into  the light."


#97  Welcome to your Future with the Whales

  "Welcome to your Future!  This is a very exciting time to be on Earth.   Everything is changing and those of you on a spiritual path are at the cutting   edge, the first wave of transformation. For those of you who have been doing   your homework, deep inner growth, the changes you have been seeking and   envisioning are now here."



 #54) Becoming a Holistically Conscious Thinker with the

Blue Whales


 "We would like to talk to you about consciously stepping into your true  power.  You humans are physically small compared to us and many animals  and plants, but you have the largest impact on the Earth of any animal."                                                                                                      


#72) Focus on your Purpose with the Cuvier's Beaked Whales


 "Your world is so full of distractions today.  No wonder so many of you are  struggling on so many ways.  We live in a world where complete and total  focus is vital to our survival.  We dive very deep to find our prey, cookie  cutter sharks and other deep water fish and crabs. It is pitch black and we  rely 100% on our sonar and hearing to find our food, avoid predators and  stay safe."                                                                                                                                                                                       


 #23) Honoring the Soul's Choice from the Dolphins

 “Trust us and honor us for the conscious beings we are.  We know our higher  purpose and our soul’s destiny.  For many of us we have chosen to live with  humans to spread our joy and healing far and wide.”



 #47) Celebrate with the Humpback Whales

 "Today, on this first day of your 2017th year, we honor and celebrate your  struggles and challenges.  We celebrate you for your continued forward  movement to becoming the best person you can be."


 #28) Bridging the gap between Humans and Whales with the  Humpback Whales

​  “We spend more time at the surface than any other whale species. We love to  play at the surface.  Scientists believe much of our surface activity, such as  pectoral fin slapping, tail lobbing and breaching are a show of dominance or  communication to other whales.  But, really much of our surface activity is to  communicate with you, the humans.”



#66) Learning to Accept Support with the Dolphins      


 ""Support. You humans need to learn to accept support.  We would be  nowhere without the support of our pod.  From the moment we are born we  need the support of others to reach the surface to take our first breath of life-  giving air."                                                                                            


#68) Spread the Energy of Fun with the Fairy Dolphins     


 "We are the Fairy Dolphins.  We are the youth of all dolphin species. Our job  while we are learning to be adult dolphins is to spread the energy of fun  around the world.  When you see a pod of  dolphins, we are the ones who jump the highest, spin the fastest and make the biggest splashes. We play the most."                                                                                 


 #52) Self Forgivness, the Most Important Lesson on Earth from the Gray Whales


 "You are learning much about forgiveness.  Now it is time to focus your  forgiveness on the hardest person of all to forgive, yourself."                                                                                                           


#79 Remembering your Joy with the Atlantic Spotted Dolphins

  "Joy! Joy! Joy!  We are the bringers of Joy.  More so than any other species of  dolphin.  We embody pure Joy.   We are the door openers to the world of dolphins and whales.  We have purposely chosen to live in a place where we can interact so easily with so many humans."


 #1) The Gift of Forgiveness with the Gray Whales


 The Gray whales are known as the "Friendliest whales on earth!" as  they  seek out boats to visit and be touched by people. The Grays were known as  "Devil Fish" as they were one of the only species of whale to fight back  aggressively against the whalers. This is the ultimate example of true  forgiveness. They would like to share their message of forgiveness with you  as all of can use more forgiveness in our lives. Forgiveness of others and most  of all forgiveness of yourself.  


 #42) Embracing Abundance with the Whales

  “There is enough of all resources on the planet right now for everyone to  have all of their basic needs met and so much more.  This includes food,  water, energy, clothing and money."



 #3) Accept Unconditional Love with the Pink Amazon River  Dolphins


 Meet Heartsong, a female Pink Amazon River dolphin who lived in the  Amazon river near a tribe of indigenous people many years ago. She saved  one of the young boys from the tribe so that he could grow up to become a  powerful shamanic healer for his people. You can invite Heartsong into your  life in meditation or dreams to help you accept unconditional love into your  life.


 #14) Finding the Compass to your Soul with the Humpback Whales

 "Never, ever, ever stop trusting your heart.  Even if everyone around you is  telling you the opposite.  Many of you have built up so many walls to protect  your heart that you can hardly feel what it is trying to tell you.  It is time to  take down those walls."


#70) Bring your Brain into Balance with the Sperm Whales    


 "Most Sperm whales have their blow holes on the left side of their heads.  We  have our blow holes on the right.  This is because the human race as a whole  comes from the left or logical brain, much more so than they come from the  right or creative side.  We have recently appeared because there has been a  tipping of the scales toward the right side.  More and more humans are  coming from their right side, their creative and intuitive side lately."                                                                              


#78 Crossing the Threshold to the new Earth with the Golden Dolphins

 "It's celebration time!  You have crossed the threshold.  You have reached the   tipping point.  The new Earth that you have been working so hard to manifest is here!   All of your prayers, visualizations, meditations and healing for yourself and the world are now becoming reality."                                                                                                                                                               


#87  Crystal Clarity with the Dolphins

   "It is time to get crystal clear on your mission, your life purpose.  We know you humans think it is hard, as if you are looking through muddy waters.   The clarity comes when you stop getting distracted and listen to your heart.  That is all you have to do to find your heart’s desire.  What you feel most passionate about is what you are meant to do.”                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Read More...

#62) Focusing on Hope with the White Whales       


 "This is a message of Hope. It is time to focus on Hope, not fear.  There is so  much fear in the world today and it is being amplified in those who choose  not to learn and shift with the changing times.  We are the White Whales and  we are here to remind you to focus on Hope and not lose yourself in the fear."                                                                                                


 #51) Being in a State of Gratitude with the Humpback Whales


 "We Humpbacks want for nothing. Sure we could want certain things, like,  less noisy ships, no nets or ropes in the sea, cleaner oceans, etc.  We choose  not to focus on the things we want but instead focus on Gratitude for all that  we do have, such as, still many undisturbed places in the oceans, plenty of  food, increasing numbers of whales are just a few of the things we are  grateful for."                                                                                                            


 #57) Join the Celebration with the Humpback Whales     


  "We come together in Celebration.  Our ancestors always gathered in huge mega-pods like this before you humans began hunting us.  It was a common sight before commercial whaling began."                                                                                                    


 #15) Going to Church with the Pilot Whales

 "If we show up in your life, either in the physical or in pictures or videos, we  are asking you to step up. We are challenging you to go within and make a  huge transformational shift forward. To step into who you truly are and to  raise your vibrational frequency as high as us."


 #16) Stepping into your True Power with the False Killer Whales

 “We are completely conscious of our abilities, power, speed, force and  strength which makes us confident and very successful killers.  We never  waste energy hunting something we cannot catch. This means we have no  fear of anything because we know our bodies strengths to deal with any  situation.”



 #38) On Death and Dying from the Dolphins

 "Death is just another step in your journey.  It is not an ending at all, but a  transition.  It is a graduation, if you will. A graduation from the density and  challenges of life on Earth.”



 #56) The Spirit of Hawaii - The Hawaiian Spinner Dolphins  


  "We represent the Spirit of Hawaii.  We represent the native Hawaiians.  They are fighting for recognition and respect.  Our numbers are dwindling  because we are so closely connected to the Hawaiian people and they are  struggling to preserve their sovereignty, culture and sacred places.  They are  meeting great resistance.  As they lose ground, we lose energy and vitality."                                                                                                     


 #8) Meet the Brains of the Sea, the Irrawaddy Dolphins

 “We are the brains of the sea. We do a lot of deep thinking. We play hard to  counterbalance the amount of time we spend in deep thought. The play  sessions help us to think clearly. This is something your scientists, CEOs,  executives, etc. need to do more of, play. If they played as hard as they  thought/worked they would be a lot more productive when they  concentrated."


 #10) Learning about Abundance from the Whales

 The whales represent Abundance.  It is very logical when you think about it,  because the whales are the largest living beings on Earth and many whales  eat the smallest living beings, such as krill and plankton.  Have you ever seen  a skinny whale? I never have.  Even though their body needs a lot of food to  maintain itself, they never struggle to find their food, they simply open their  mouths and scoop in their food.


 #34) To Swim or Not to Swim with the Spinner Dolphins

 You may be aware that NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric  Administration) is considering enforcing restrictions against swimming with  wild Hawaiian Spinner dolphins in Hawaii.  On the Big Island the Spinner  dolphins rest in several bays that are popular beaches and it is very easy to  simply swim out from the beach to be with the dolphins.



#80 Riding out the Storm with the  Dolphins

  "Hurricanes are like giant washing machines.  They are the spin cycle.  The last violent and intense shaking up of the Earth before everything comes out clean and renewed."


 #39) A Cry for Help, Sending Healing to the Orcas

 “We are like the canaries in the coal mine.  If we get sick from  unintentionally ingesting toxins, then you are getting sick also.  We are the  top predators in the sea and you are the top predators on the land.  You too  are accumulating toxins in your body."



 #45) The Ocean Adventures of Pinni, Tursi and Mydas

 Tursi, the bottlenose dolphin, Pinni, the sea lion and Mydas, the green sea  turtle learn about the value of teamwork and friendship as they deal with the  dangerous problem of plastics in the ocean. 



 #50) Life Lessons about Being Abundant from the Humpback        Whales


 "Abundance is a state of Being, not something you have to do or embrace.  Simply Be Abundant."                                                                                                              


 #6) Deep Heart Healing with the Sperm Whales


 The sperm whale goes very deep, nobody knows how deep.  He is the conduit  and transmitter of knowledge of and from the deep to the surface and all life  at or above the surface.  This includes inner knowledge from the inner earth  and Mother Earth directly.  The Sperm whales are like the radio transmitters  for Mother Earth. They work closely with her and use their sonar to send out  her knowledge and her love for all life as well as her teachings to and for all  of earth's inhabitants. 


#67) Embrace Prosperity Consciousness with the Orcas      


 "Prosperity is easy.  You humans love to complicate things.  The answer is to  get out of your own way and step into the natural flow of abundance.  Its as  simple as that."                                                                                          

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