Céline Cousteau was asked by an indigneous man to tell the story of his tribe to the world. What resulted is a beautiful documentay film called, Tribes on the Edge.

​Meet Céline Cousteau, who comes from a lineage of explorers, and as a humanitarian and environmental activist she works with a variety of mediums that range from documentaries to art, from consulting with corporations and foundations to public speaking. 

Céline’s goal throughout her work is reconnecting people to themselves, each other, and to Nature. As a documentary director and producer, Céline created CauseCentric Productions to focus on cause focused media content. 

Extending her family legacy and her expertise, Céline co-founded The Outdoor Film Fellowship, a nonprofit program whose mission is to empower the next generation of filmmakers, creatives, and activists to inspire change through leadership, film, and the arts. Céline is ambassador for the TreadRight Foundation and on the board of directors of the National Aquarium in Baltimore. 

Tribes on the Edge is Céline’s first full feature documentary, the result of a request from the Indigenous Peoples of the Vale do Javari, Brazilian Amazon, to tell their story to the world.

In this episode, you will hear Céline’s story of how the film was made and the many challenges that the tribes of the Javari region are facing today and what you can do to help them.

Your host, Anne Gordon spent 15 years married into the Emberá tribe of Panama who are very similar in looks, culture and way of life to those of the Javari. In this unique conversation Céline and Anne compare notes and share the insights, experiences and wisdom they gained by spending time with these beautiful tribes of the rainforests of Brazil and Panama.

Watch Céline’s film Tribes on the Edge on Amazon Prime or iTunes.

Learn more and watch a trailer of Tribes on the Edge on Céline’s website: 

To learn more about visiting the Emberá tribe in Panama go to 


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Tribes on the Edge

with Céline Cousteau

Your host

International Retreat Leader, Anne Gordon has been leading  transformational Whale and Dolphin Wisdom Retreats around the world since 2007. She loves sharing how easy and fun it is to lead your clients to making a huge transformation in their lives.





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